XV UNL School

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The UNDL Foundation invites applications for the XV UNL School, to take place at the UNDL Foundation office, in Geneva, Switzerland, from July 21st to 25th, 2014. The workshop is dedicated to the development of natural language grammars for information retrieval. The UNDL Foundation will pay the travel and accommodation expenses for the selected candidates not living in Geneva.


Important Dates

  • Application deadline: June 22, 2014
  • Notification of accepted candidates: June 29, 2014
  • XV UNL School: July 21-25, 2014


The main goal of the XV UNL School is to develop the grammars for information retrieval with KEYS, the Knowledge Extraction sYStem.


In order to apply, candidates must comply with ALL the following requisites:

  • Candidates must have completed CLEA1000; and
  • Candidates must have concluded the UNLization exercise described at Exercise1.


In order to apply, candidates must fill in the form available at [1] until the deadline.


The UNDL Foundation will select up to 12 candidates, one per language, according to the following criteria:

  • Strongest experience in the UNLweb
  • Strongest experience in natural language processing
  • Highest academic degree


UNDL Foundation office in Geneva


The UNDL Foundation will pay the following travel and accommodation expenses for the selected candidates To the external candidates (i.e., not living in Geneva)

  • a round-trip plane, bus or train ticket from/to Geneva;
  • 6 (six) nights at a budget hotel in Geneva; and
  • 6 (six) per diem of CHF50.00 (total of CHF300.00), to cover any other expenses, including meals and transportation.


The workshop will take 30 hours, from July 21-25, 2014, according to the tentative schedule below:

  • July 21, Monday - Introduction to UNL and to KEYS
  • July 22, Tuesday - Syntax
  • July 23, Wednesday - UNLization
  • July 24, Thursday - NLization
  • July 25, Friday - Evaluation & Discussion


The UNDL Foundation will issue a Certificate of Participation, upon evaluation, for all the participants.
