From UNL Wiki
Periphrasis is a device by which a grammatical category or grammatical relationship is expressed by a free morpheme (such as an auxiliary verb), instead of being shown by inflection or derivation.
In the UNLarium framework, periphrases always lead to the creation of syntactic relations, which are expressed through S-rules as follows:
- CONDITION is a tag or list of tags, extracted from the UNDLF Tagset, corresponding to the value of the attribute to be realised by complex grammatical structures;
- RELATION is the syntactic relation to be created, extracted from the syntactic roles. It must include a HEAD and an ARGUMENT (the specifier, the complement or the adjunct). Either the HEAD or an ARGUMENT must correspond to the node undergoing the transformation, and must be marked as %01 if not co-indexed to any node in the condition field.
- (FUT):=IC([will];%01,+INF);
- The auxiliary verb "will" is generated as the head of the inflectional phrase in case of future
- PRS,PGS:=IH([be])VP(GER);
- The auxiliary verb "be" is generated as the head of the inflectional phrase in case of present progressive (PRS,PGS) and t