From UNL Wiki
In the UNL framework, a grammar is a set of rules that are used to generate UNL out of natural language, and natural language out of UNL.
In the UNLframework, we distinguish between transformation and disambiguation grammars:
- Transformation Grammar, or T-Grammar, is the set of T-rules, which are used to transform structures
- Disambiguation Grammar, or D-Grammar, is the set of D-rules, which are used to improve the performance of the T-rules
The syntax and behavior of T-rules and D-rules are defined in the Grammar Specs.
In the UNLframework, we distinguish between analysis and generation grammars:
- The UNL-NL (Generation) Grammar is used to generate natural language out of UNL
- The NL-UNL (Analysis) Grammar is used to generate UNL out of natural language