In the UNL framework, a grammar is a set of rules that is used to generate UNL out of natural language, and natural language out of UNL. Along with the dictionaries, they constitute the basic resource for UNLization and NLization.
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Grammars are sets of rules. In the UNL framework, there are two basic types of rules:
- T-rules, or transformation rules, are used to perform changes
- D-rules, or disambiguation rules are used to control changes
T-rules follow the very general formalism
where the left side α is a condition statement, and the right side β is an action to be performed over α.
D-rules (disambiguation rules) follow a slightly different formalism:
where the left side α is a statement and the right side P is an integer from 0 to 255 that indicates the probability of occurrence of α.
In the UNL framework there are three types of grammar:
- N-Grammar, or Normalization Grammar, is a set of T-rules used to segment the natural language text into sentences and to prepare the input for processing.
- T-Grammar, or Transformation Grammar, is a set of T-rules used to transform natural language into UNL or UNL into natural language.
- D-Grammar, or Disambiguation Grammar, is a set of D-rules used to to improve the performance of transformation rules by constraining or forcing their applicability.
In the UNL framework, grammars are not bidirectional, although they share the same syntax:
- UNLization (NL>UNL)
- The N-Grammar contains the normalization rules for natural natural analysis
- The Analysis T-Grammar contains the transformation rules used for natural language analysis
- The Analysis D-Grammar contains the disambiguation rules used for tokenization and for improving the results of the NL-UNL T-Grammar
- NLization (UNL>NL)
- The Generation T-Grammar contains the transformation rules used for natural language generation
- The Generation D-Grammar contains the disambiguation rules used for improving the results of the UNL-NL T-Grammar
Processing Units
In the UNL framework, grammars may target different processing units:
- Text-driven grammars process the source document as a single unit (i.e., without any internal subdivision)
- Sentence-driven grammars process each sentence or graph separately
- Word-driven grammars process words in isolation
Text-driven grammars are normally used in summarization and simplification, when the rhetorical structure of the source document is important. Sentence-driven grammars are used mostly in translation, when the source document can be treated as a list of non-semantically related units, to be processed one at a time. Word-driven grammars are used in information retrieval and opinion mining, when each word or node can be treated in isolation.
Grammars may target the whole source document or only parts of it (e.g. main clauses):
- Chunk grammars target only a part of the source document
- Full grammars target the whole source document
Grammars may target the deep or the surface structure of the source document:
- Deep grammars focus on the deep dependency relations of the source document and normally have three levels (network, tree and list)
- Shallow grammars focus only on the surface dependency relations of the source document and normally have only two levels (network and list)
Main article: F-measure
Grammars are evaluated through a weighted average of precision and recall, the F-measure.