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Time is a semantic category that indicates when a given event occurs. It may be expressed by attributes or by relations.

Time attributes

The values for the attribute time are the following:

The UNL representation indicates the time rather than the grammatical tense of a form.
There is no simple one-to-one relationship between tense forms and time. In English, for instance, the present (grammatical tense) may be used to represent the future (time)
I’m going home tomorrow = go.@future.@recent (and not go.@present)
@present is used to indicate an action at the present, and not habits, routines and statements
I'm in Frankfurt. = @present
I always come to school by cycle. = no time information
The sun sets in the Occident. = no time information
Time values may be combined.
I'm going home tomorrow = go.@future.@recent
I had been there = @past.@anterior

Time relations

Time may be expressed by the following relations:


  • do now = tim(do,now)
  • do since yesterday = tmf(do, yesterday)
  • do until tomorrow = tmt(do, tomorrow)
  • from yesterday to tomorrow = fmt(yesterday, tomorrow)
  • do while walk = dur(do, walk)