From UNL Wiki
This page provides guidelines for English in the UNL framework.
Adpositions as Universal Relations
As words that connect two other words, adpositions are always represented in UNL as relations:
- agt = by
- ben = for
- dur = during
- frm = from
- gol = to
- ins = with
- man = as
- met = by
- mod = of
- opl = in
- per = per
- plc = in
- plf = from
- plt = to
- pof = of
- pos = of
- ptn = with
- pur = for
- scn = in
- src = from
- tim = in
- tmf = since
- tmt = until
- to = to
- via = through
Adpositions as Universal Attributes
Adpositions are also represented as attributes when they assign specific values to general relations. For instance:
- the book is in the box
- the relation "plc" (place) is sufficient to represent the meaning intended by "in" and no attribute is necessary: plc(book, box)
- the book is under the box
- the relation "plc" (place) is too generic to represent the meaning intended by "under" and the attribute @under is necessary: plc(book, box.@under)
For the time being, adpositions have been represented by their English correspondents.
- @aboard
- @about
- @above
- @according_to
- @across
- @after
- @against
- @ahead_of
- @along
- @alongside
- @amid
- @among
- @apart_from
- @around
- @as
- @as_far_as
- @as_of
- @as_per
- @as_regards
- @as_well_as
- @aside
- @aside_from
- @astride
- @at
- @athwart
- @atop
- @barring
- @because_of
- @before
- @behind
- @below
- @beneath
- @beside
- @besides
- @between
- @beyond
- @but
- @by
- @by_means_of
- @circa
- @close_to
- @concerning
- @despite
- @down
- @due_to
- @during
- @except
- @except_for
- @excluding
- @failing
- @far_from
- @following
- @for
- @from
- @from_on
- @given
- @in
- @in_accordance_with
- @in_addition_to
- @in_case_of
- @in_favor_of
- @in_front_of
- @in_place_of
- @in_spite_of
- @in_terms_of
- @including
- @inside
- @inside_of
- @instead_of
- @into
- @like
- @mid
- @near
- @near_to
- @next
- @next_to
- @notwithstanding
- @of
- @off
- @on
- @on_account_of
- @on_behalf_of
- @on_top_of
- @onto
- @opposite
- @out
- @out_from
- @out_of
- @outside
- @outside_of
- @over
- @owing_to
- @pace
- @per
- @prior_to
- @pursuant_to
- @qua
- @regarding
- @regardless_of
- @round
- @save
- @since
- @subsequent_to
- @than
- @thanks_to
- @that_of
- @through
- @throughout
- @to
- @toward
- @towards
- @under
- @underneath
- @unlike
- @until
- @up
- @upon
- @versus
- @via
- @with
- @with_regard_to
- @with_relation_to
- @with_respect_to
- @within
- @without
- @worth